Bagger Crashbar 2017 to Present

Front Highway Crash bar Installation Instructions

2017- Present Bagger Models


For the later Baggers,    The original regulator bracket would bolt on overtop of the crashbar as well.

Front Highway Crash Bar Installation Instructions
For 1997-2008 Bagger Models

  1. Remove the Factory Crash Bar
    Begin by removing any existing factory crash bar from the bike.

  2. Split Oil Line                                                                                                                                                                                         You will need to split the oil line at the factory connection where it goes from steel to rubber hose, near the upper rocker box.    compress the hose clamp and move it upward, off of the steel line and pull the rubber hose off.   This is needed so you can weave the hose through the upper section of the crashbar.  The oil line mount will bolt on overtop of the front of the crashbar center support.
  3. Position the New Crash Bar
    Position the new crash bar in place, using the same mounting points as the factory crash bar. The upper tab of the crash bar should be positioned to the outside of the frame, unlike the OEM crash bar, which slips into a slot.

  4. Install Lower Mounting Bolts
    Attach the crash bar at the lower two mounting points on the frame using the provided 3/8" x 16 x 1" long bolts and washers. Do not tighten these bolts yet; leave them loose to allow for adjustment, if needed.

  5. Install Upper Tab Bolt
    For the upper tab, use the longer 3/8" x 16 allen bolt with a nyloc nut. The nyloc nut should be placed inside the frame.

    • Tip: If access to this location is difficult, place the nyloc nut into the end of a 9/16" open-end wrench and secure it with tape on the back side of the wrench to hold it in place. Slip the wrench up the frame slot to align the nut with the hole in the crash bar, then start the bolt.
  6. Attach the Crossbar Bolts
    Install the two button-head bolts through the center crossbar of the crash bar into the matching holes in the bike’s chassis.  The oil line mounting plate that was originally attached to the frame will attach overtop of the crashbar crossbar using the same mounting bolts.

  7. Tighten All Bolts
    Once all bolts are in place, tighten them. The lower 3/8" mounting bolts should be torqued to 30-35 ft-lbs.