Shock Slider Kit - 05 and earlier Dyna


Shock Slider Installation Instructions - 06 & Up Dyna

Tools Required:

  • Wrenches/Socket Set
  • Allen Wrenches
  • Torque Wrench
  • Lift or Jack (for rear of bike)

Step 1: Lift the Bike and Remove the Seat
Start by lifting the rear of the bike to take the weight off the rear wheel and remove the seat to allow access to the nut on the shock stud assy on the inside of the strut.

Step 2: Remove the Upper Shock Mount
Next, remove the upper shock mount by loosening both the inner and outer nuts on the factory upper shock stud.
Note: For some models, you may need to remove the lower shock bolt first. This will give you enough room to pull the shock out far enough to remove the upper stud assembly.

Step 3: Assemble and Install Parts in Order

Starting from the outside and working inward, install the following parts in this exact order:

  1. Delrin Slider Tube
  2. Allen Bolt with Split Washer (Ensure the split washer is placed over the bolt and inside the Delrin slider tube)
  3. 1/2" Small Aluminum Spacer
  4. Shock Eyelet
  5. 7/8" Large Aluminum Spacer
  6. Motorcycle Strut (Frame Section of the Bike)
  7. Washer (Place inside the frame section where the shock mounts)
  8. Nyloc Nut

Step 3: Install the Shock Slider Assembly
With parts above numbered 1-3 assembled on the allen bolt, take the upper shock slider assembly and install it onto the upper shock eyelet (4) then slip on the 7/8" long spacer (part number 5). Then, carefully slide the assembly into the frame’s upper  shock mounting hole. 

Step 5: Tighten Bolts to Factory Specification
Once all parts are correctly installed, use your torque wrench to tighten the bolts to the manufacturer’s recommended factory torque specifications most models are 60-65 ftlbs.

Step 6: Reinstall Any Removed Parts
Finally, reinstall any other parts or components that were removed during the installation process.

Tip: Double-check all bolts to ensure everything is securely tightened before lowering the bike.