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1995 Softail Nostalgia


November 8, 2011

1995 Softail Nostalgia

By bungking

This bike started as a bone stock 1995 Softail nostalgia. Both of the fenders were modified for a longer look. To highlight the new fenders completely hand made one piece fender trim was made for both fenders to keep the stock appearance but with a little twist. I hand made a new set of pipes from straight tube and u bends complete with heat shields drilled to match the rest of the bike. The bulky factory dash was removed and I hand made a new sheet metal one along with a new filler panel to complete it. A new custom made shifter linkage with some modified arms was then set in place. The tail light is a 50 Pontiac, that a custom mount had been made for it as well.

I also made up a custom belt gaurd, and modified the horn and coul covers to match one of our drilled air cleaned covers. Once all of the fab was done parts were sent off to the chromer as well as custom paint and grafix to mimic an early Harley emblem that was done by Greedy Fly Grafix. All of the body work and base coat by Stockdale’s Hot Rod paint. All and all a very classy look.


Nate's Shovel

September 10, 2011Nate’s ShovelBy bungking This bike was built completely from scratch using all new drivetrain parts and chassis back in the hayday when big dollar bikes were the norm. After owning and riding the bike for a few years he came back to me to change a few things. We added some new [...]

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Gary's CFL

September 10, 2011Gary’s CFLBy bungking This started as a standard CFL chassis. I dropped the neck down 2″ and brought the rake down to 28 degrees to help fit a stock length springer orginally with a 21″ wheel and now a 23″ one. This gave the bike a much different look than any other [...]

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JD's Shovel

September 10, 2011Jd’s ShovelBy bungking This Bike started it’s life as a stock swingarm frame FL, We reused the drivetrain, wheels, brakes, controls,and front forks. We took all of these parts and added them all to a new rigid chassis. Next we custom made a bunch of custom parts to help adapt everything together. [...]

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2007 Dyna

This was one of the bikes that we started our new Dyna product line on back in 07 when the new model change came out. Shown installed on this bike is our 49mm quarter fairing adapter brackets, our 2 5/8″ Dyna tank lift, and our 12″ gusseted T-bars with a low speedo mount welded [...]

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Aaron's Dyna

September 10, 2011Aaron’s DynaBy bungking This is a 01 Dyna that we added a few custom touches to. Some custom made BMX inspired handlebars and custom gauge mount as well as one of our drilled air cleaner covers, along with a modified thunder header and a few other catolog parts.

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Joe's Panhead

September 10, 2011Joe’s PanheadBy bungking This bike started it’s life as a 1965 panhead the first year of the electric start and last of the Pan. We put in an earlier rigid chassis and went to town making custom just about everything. All the parts shown unpainted or in raw form were made or [...]

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Daves Deuce Coupe

September 10, 2011Dave’s Deuce CoupeBy bungking This car drove into our shop under it’s own power however the customer wanted to do a complete revamp to the car. We started by stripping it down to prep it for a 3″ chop. The roof was chopped and a new roof filler pannel from Walden’s [...]

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Vic's Shovel

September 11, 2011Vic’s ShovelBy bungking Another full custom shovel for our buddy Victor of Sinners Inc. This bike came to me bare bones and we made all sorts of custom parts for him, all new sheetmetal, scratch built controls, handmade exhaust and motormounts. He had a bunch of the parts nickel plated instead of [...]

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Triumph Tiger

October 5, 2011Triumph TigerBy bungking This is a bike owned by a good friend of the shop, not sure of the year exactly but it started it’s life in his hands as a retired flat track bike with no brakes other than the kill switch on the handlebars and welded struts in place of the shocks [...]

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